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Levi's Ultimatum

Levi's Ultimatum

A Dark Billionaire Romance

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "I immediately fell in love with Levi, like full out fan girling love." ~ Laura, Goodreads Reviewer


In search of someplace to belong…He found an obsession.

Levi Hawkins was a typical fun loving, hard partying college student with his whole life in front of him — until one tragic night ripped his world apart and left him adrift with no home or family to return to. After a soul crushing deployment overseas, he spent a decade wandering the globe searching for something or someone to make him whole again. Weary of regret and consumed by loneliness, he puts his heart on the line and turns to the only people still connected to him by blood. A chance encounter at a lakeside café puts single mother Tori Ford directly in his path and he’s ready to stake a claim.

She wants to keep her life simple. Work hard, raise her daughter, save some money and one day open the pie shop she’s always dreamed of. She doesn’t need complicated and she certainly doesn’t need a wickedly hot Alpha male to take control of her future. Except when he gets close to her she yearns for everything he has to offer. But Tori can’t take another heartbreak and she can never trust Levi with her heart or her daughter if he won’t open up about the darkness slowly consuming him.

Book Description

In search of someplace to belong…He found an obsession.

Levi Hawkins was a typical fun loving, hard partying college student with his whole life in front of him — until one tragic night ripped his world apart and left him adrift with no home or family to return to. After a soul crushing deployment overseas, he spent a decade wandering the globe searching for something or someone to make him whole again. Weary of regret and consumed by loneliness, he puts his heart on the line and turns to the only people still connected to him by blood. A chance encounter at a lakeside café puts single mother Tori Ford directly in his path and he’s ready to stake a claim.

She wants to keep her life simple. Work hard, raise her daughter, save some money and one day open the pie shop she’s always dreamed of. She doesn’t need complicated and she certainly doesn’t need a wickedly hot Alpha male to take control of her future. Except when he gets close to her she yearns for everything he has to offer. But Tori can’t take another heartbreak and she can never trust Levi with her heart or her daughter if he won’t open up about the darkness slowly consuming him.

Read A Sample

Tori backed away from the door Gabe had left ajar and pushed her back against the wall. Curiosity had driven her to follow behind her boss after he left his office, although she shuddered to think what he'd do to her if she were caught. The rumors of his need to discipline were spread far and wide and employees were often given a choice of the door or the bench.

But whatever Levi had started down in the club wasn't going to get dropped, and if they were going to discuss her she wanted to know. Now she'd overheard more than she bargained for and she didn't know how to process it. A chance encounter at Nina's cafe this morning had left her out of sorts and unsettled all day long. Enough that she'd called Gabe and offered to work tonight in the club. A job she had no business taking in this frame of mind. Her only hope had been to work out whatever the hell Levi's sudden presence had done to her and regain her focus.

He'd annoyed her, that's for sure. Even road grime several inches thick and an obvious need of a hot bath with a gallon of soap had not detracted from his good looks. And now that he'd cleaned up he'd turned downright lethal in that department. Her stomach still jolted at the memory of her first good look at Levi in the club. She'd damn near swallowed her tongue. All six foot something of him had exuded a level of innate power she'd felt clear to her bones. It had been so strong she'd glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed.
They had.

Amidst a sea of people in every shape, size and orientation he'd still stood out. Tall and broad shouldered, with dark wavy hair that looked like he'd done nothing more than run his fingers through it with amazing results. He'd trimmed his scruffy beard several inches without removing it altogether and the first thought through her mind had been how would it feel to have that sexy facial hair scratch across her belly or against the inside of her thighs as he...

Damn. When exactly had beards become so sexy?

The moment his piercing blue gaze had met hers across the scarred counter at Nina's, that's when. The appearance of a scruffy stranger sitting with her daughter and coloring together had initially alarmed her. The early warning bells had gone off and her need to protect had taken center stage. Then Hannah had drawn a smile from him that looked both sweet and tortured. The unexpected combination had shaken her to her core.

"Thanks. It's good to be back. I think." She heard Levi's voice just as the door swung open next to her.

Crap. She'd gotten lost in her thoughts and hadn't heard the men approach. Now she was about to get busted for eavesdropping. She swiveled on her ridiculous heels a little too fast and stumbled on the carpet. She reached for the wall and righted herself but not fast enough.

"Stop." The stranger's command came on a low growl far closer than she'd like.

Compelled by his deep voice, she halted in mid-step.
"Come to me," he ordered in a deep dark unholy tone that made her nearly melt on the spot.

"Levi, not a good idea," Gabe warned behind her.

She held her breath. Gabe was the top dog at Purgatory and her boss. Levi would have to defer to him. He'd save her.

"Gabe, I respect your authority here, but in this case I'm going to insist."

Tori sucked in air and waited--and hoped Gabe wasn't about to turn her over to this--this stranger. When the heavy sigh of defeat met her ears she cringed. What the hell?

"Please consider she's one of my best employees. I'd like to keep her." With that Gabe swept past her and descended down the staircase without looking back, leaving her alone with an angry Dom. The word Dom slid sinuously through her system and heated her between her legs.

With her only chance at being saved gone, the silence stretched between them. He'd issued his command and likely wouldn't again. Like most Doms she knew he'd expect for his order to be followed and would wait for the response he sought. She considered her options. Turn around and face the music or flee and probably lose her job.

Her heart beat furiously as she made the only decision she could. Job or no job she was not a coward. She turned and gasped when she discovered him only inches away from her.
When had he moved and how had she not heard him?
"I half expected you to run," he commented.
She lifted her chin. "Then you don't know me very well at all. I don't scare that easily."

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Main Tropes

  • Single Mom
  • He Falls First
  • Dom/Sub
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