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Tucker's Fall

Tucker's Fall

A Dark Billionaire Romance

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Ohhhh, I loved this story. Tucker is a true Master and knew how to push Maggie's limits. They were perfect together." ~ Cyn Mistress Kitty, Goodreads reviewer


One forbidden kiss. Two fractured lives. Sooo many secrets.

Maggie’s obsession with the darker side of life has landed her in jail, in divorce court and now in the headlines of more newspapers than she cares to count.

She returns home to lick her wounds and reconsider her future, but just when she thinks her only solution is a tell-all memoir, a storm throws her in the path of the boy from her past.

Except he’s no boy. He looks like trouble and well, that’s something she never can resist.

No stranger to scandal, Tucker’s not going to let public opinion keep him from what he wants. He's getting his second chance whether she knows it or not. He'll open her eyes to the power, redemption and freedom that only he can provide. If she can let go of the past...

Book Description

One forbidden kiss. Two fractured lives. Sooo many secrets.

Maggie’s obsession with the darker side of life has landed her in jail, in divorce court and now in the headlines of more newspapers than she cares to count.

She returns home to lick her wounds and reconsider her future, but just when she thinks her only solution is a tell-all memoir, a storm throws her in the path of the boy from her past.

Except he’s no boy. He looks like trouble and well, that’s something she never can resist.

No stranger to scandal, Tucker’s not going to let public opinion keep him from what he wants.

He's getting his second chance whether she knows it or not. He'll open her eyes to the power, redemption and freedom that only he can provide.

If she can let go of the past...

Read A Sample

Tucker Lewis stared into the crowd and wondered when it would all end. He tightened his grip on the shot of Jamieson and brought the glass to his lips. Across the bar and generous play space, fake smoke, dancers in chains, and throngs of half dressed partiers filled the club. The intense edge of the acid music pulsed in rhythm with his heartbeat and the occasional scream of a sub from the far side of the room fit right in with his dark mood. For better or worse this was the place he’d needed to be tonight.

Purgatory had come to be in a different life and the longer he sat here watching the scene around him; the less he believed he belonged. Of course his self-imposed exile hadn’t helped much. He’d been riding high on life on borrowed time and didn’t even know it. All it took was a simple house fire to bring his world crashing down.

“Wow, as I live and breath. Is that you, Tuck?”

Yanked from his mournful thoughts, Tucker focused on the man standing in front of him. Tall and imposing he wore black leather that emphasized a gleaming bald head that drew women of all ages. It didn’t surprise him his old friend from better days and one of the best rope riggers on the planet, stood there with a smug grin.

“Screw you, Leo.”

“C’mon, Tucker. You know I’m not your type. But maybe this one is.” Leo tugged on a cord he’d been holding and a very pretty redhead cautiously stepped out from behind him. Even with her eyes cast down, it didn’t take much for Tucker to recognize her nervousness. Her hands intertwined with each other repeatedly as she shifted her weight from foot to foot.

Long, thick hair brushed an ample chest that was barely hidden by a sheer, black dress that stopped before her thighs began. But it was the thick leather collar at her neck, branded with two names that stood out to him.

A smile quirked at his lips. “I see things have changed for you since I last visited.”

“Tends to happen when you disappear from the face of the earth.” Leo clapped his shoulder and took a seat on the bench next to him and his lovely friend went to her knees at Leo’s feet.

Tucker tried to ignore the slight pang inside him. It had been a long time since a sub had caught his eye but that didn’t mean the desire to have one of his own had completely disappeared.

“Will you introduce me to your lovely?”

Leo beamed. “Katie, say hello to Master Tucker. He’s an old friend of mine.”

With what looked like some reluctance, the little subbie lifted her head and met his gaze. “Hello, Master Tucker. It is nice to meet you.” Immediately her eyes lowered again.

“You’ll have to excuse Katie this evening. She’s had a tough time with her commitments lately so Quinn and I have decided to devote this entire week to her correction.” Leo stroked his pet’s hair and brushed her cheek when she turned toward him.

The pang inside him clamored louder. The affection between Master and sub was so obvious it was difficult for Tucker not to experience some degree of jealousy. Although settling down had never been in his previous plans.

“No need to excuse her. I completely understand.” Maybe it was time to get back into the scene. He could meet a willing woman here at the club and work out some of the knots that had plagued his art this week.

“You thinking about rejoining us? Maybe some play tonight?”

Tucker shrugged, amazed Leo had read his mind. Tucker’s body warred with his mind for control. Part of him definitely needed to move on, but the other—well, he wasn’t so sure.

“I’d be happy to offer Katie for service tonight. I think it would do her some good. She needs to get her head in the right place for everything she will be put through this week. What do you say?”

Tucker considered the offer while staring at the top of the pretty woman's head. She’d not uttered a word or made a move except for the tiny shudder he’d detected along her shoulder line when Leo offered her services. She impressed him and that wasn’t an easy thing to do these days.

He stood from his seat and positioned himself, legs apart, in front of Katie. Leaning down he cupped her chin and tilted her head back until her gaze met his. “I have a feeling I would enjoy your service very much.”

She swallowed before a small smile bowed her lips. Whatever trouble she’d been having it was obvious how much she needed whatever Leo wanted to give her.

“It would be my pleasure, Sir.”

A part of him very much wanted to enjoy Katie. To take part in her discipline and let go of some of the stress he’d endured lately. His self-imposed exile needed to come to an end.

Tucker suppressed a smile. “You’re such a good girl.”

Unfortunately, his body had a mind of its own and wouldn’t cooperate like he wanted it to. Flashes of another lovely lady filled his head. A woman he’d not actually laid eyes on in over fifteen years. Maggie Cisco. Professor. A former wife. Closeted sub.

While he couldn’t actually confirm the sub part yet, his gut told him the truth. She’d been studying his lifestyle for so long there was no doubt in his mind there was a hidden ache behind her research. And he refused to entertain the alternative of her being a top.

That didn’t match the Maggie he knew from high school at all. Sure people changed. He certainly had. But the fundamental core of who you are and what you need on a cellular level doesn’t change in adulthood.

He’d bet every last dollar that Maggie possessed the heart of a true sub longing to take her place at her Master’s side and he’d waited her out long enough. Her reappearance in town eight weeks ago had sparked more than gossip.

Something inside him akin to hunger had unfurled and dug in, refusing to let go.

His recovery had taken a very long time. Too long. Now he needed to rejoin the world, engage in a healthy, if somewhat temporary relationship, and he’d chosen Maggie to do it with.

She didn’t know it yet, but he was coming for her.

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Main Tropes

  • Second Chance Romance
  • Dom/Sub
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